Chinese skullcap is a potent synergist (increases benefit of other supplements), a property that is very important when choosing a supplement regimen. In other words, it enhances the value of other herbs, especially those with antimicrobial value. It is, by itself, strongly antiviral (especially against herpes viruses).

Chinese skullcap also offers antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is one of the primary supplements for use against Mycoplasma and Bartonella. Chinese skullcap is also known for its sedative properties. It contains melatonin, helpful for inducing sleep.

Chinese skullcap is also strongly protective of nerve tissue and liver function. It is an immunomodulator, which means it calms overactive immune function (reduces cytokine cascades), but improves overall immune function. Some experts consider it useful for autoimmune disease.

Important synergist for Mycoplasma and antiviral protection. Also provides coverage against Chlamydia.

Suggested dosage: 400-1000 mg two to three times daily. Root extract, preferably 3-year old plant with pronounced yellow color, standardized to >30% baicalin is preferred. (American skullcap does not offer the same antimicrobial properties and should not be substituted.)

Side effects: rare, even at high doses, and are mostly gastrointestinal.

Included in Dr. Rawls’ Natural Herbal Protocol »

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